Duct example sentences

For ensuring quality, the government has made it compulsory for certain products that these be inspected by some authorised agency.The reactions in which the concentrations of the reactants and products are comparable, when the system is in equilibrium.However, we do find bad quality products in the market because the supervision of these rules is weak and the consumer movement is also not strong enough.They have invested in newer technology and production methods and raised their production standards.Over the next few days over 110,000 workers in St Petersburg went on strike demanding a reduction in the working day to eight hours, an increase in wages and improvement in working conditions.However, when common salt (sodium chloride) is added to water it conducts electricity.This includes using environmental friendly methods of production, giving employment opportunities to the disadvantaged sections of society and providing basic amenities like schools and cr ches to employees.” The conductor shrugged, and they waited until it was time for the bus to begin the return journey.Services of manufacturers: The services provided by wholesalers to manufacturers include facilitating large scale production; bearing risk; providing financial assistance; expert advice; help in marketing function; facilitating continuity; and storage.In order to ensure continuous survival and progress, every enterprise must aim at greater productivity by the best use of available resources.We have found that common salt, when dissolved in distilled water, makes it a good conductor.It is to be kept in mind that conducting and managing international business is not an easy venture.These are as follows: Linguistic (skills involved in the production and use of language) : t is the capacity to use language fluently and flexibly to express one s thinking and understand others.The relation, in fact, is that of a basic circularity expressing the self-feeding nature of the production process.It is common now to see CD-ROM's, computerised information kiosks, and Internet/ World Wide Web multimedia pages highlighting the virtues of products.

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