During example sentences

During 1914-45, there was no maintained universal system but this period saw both a brief return to the gold standard and a period of flexible exchange rates.During photosynthesis, chlorophyll containing cells of leaves (Figureure 2), in the presence of sunlight, use carbon dioxide and water to synthesise carbohydrates (Figureure 3).If a substance gains oxygen during a reaction, it is said to be oxidised.What can be the examples of planned accumulation or decumulation of inventories? Suppose the firm wants to raise the inventories from 100 shirts to 200 shirts during the year.While many important changes occurred during the nineteenth century (the rule about wide balls was applied, the exact circumference of the ball was specified, protective equipment like pads and gloves became available, boundaries were introduced where previously all shots had to be run and, most importantly, overarm bowling became legal) cricket remained a pre-industrial sport that matured during the early phase of the Industrial Revolution, the late eighteenth century.alues are enduring beliefs about an ideal mode of behaviour.During this process ATP and NADPH synthesised in the light reaction are utilised.During this process a complex body organisation is formed that produces roots, leaves, branches, flowers, fruits, and seeds, and eventually they die (Figureure 1 1).During this stage, the male child experiences the Oedipus Complex, which involves love for the mother, hostility towards the father, and the consequent fear of punishment or castration by the father (Oedipus was a Greek king who unknowingly killed his father and then married his mother).During the division of a cell, DNA replication and cell growth also take place.The first major spurt in the development of cotton factory production in India, therefore, was during the First World War when textile imports from Britain declined and Indian factories were called upon to produce cloth for military supplies.It is obvious from the table that both the exports and imports of services relating to foreign travel, transportation and insurance have increased spectacularly during the last four decades.Many more fish come closer to the shore during the high tide.These strikes took place frequently in the textile industry during 1896-1897, and in the metal industry during 190 In the countryside, peasants cultivated most of the land.The population change refers to change in the number of people during a specific time.

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