Effort example sentences

However, whenever qualitative standards are set, an effort must be made to define them in a manner that would make their measurement easier.Children who are inattentive find it difficult to sustain mental effort during work or play.It requires a voluntary effort and struggle involving the participation of one and all.Often, poems, songs and stories can also inspire us and make us believe strongly in an issue and influence our efforts to correct the situation.The definitions given above highlight the following features of coordination: Coordination integrates group efforts: Coordination unifies unrelated or diverse interests into purposeful work activity.Would her stammering tongue again disgrace her? For the sake of this kind woman, however, she decided to make an effort.The purchase, production and sales departmental efforts have to be coordinated by Suhasini for achieving organisational objectives harmoniously.It may show up in the form of a client taking greater responsibility, developing new insight, learning to engage in different behaviours, and making an effort to develop more effective relationships.Good motivation in the organisation helps to achieve higher levels of performance as motivated employees contribute their maximum efforts for organisational goals.What would happen if efforts of an individual in a group are pooled so that you look at the performance of the group as a whole? Do you know what often happens? It has been found that individuals work less hard in a group than they do when performing alone.Schemas (or 'schemata') are the basic units stored in our memory, and function as shorthand ways of processing information, thus reducing the time and mental effort required in cognition.Control is a costly affair as it involves a lot of expenditure, time and effort.Faced with any challenge, we put in additional efforts and mobilise all our resources and the support system to meet the challenge.The effort was to ensure that everyone had a mix of good and bad land.Management aims at guiding their efforts towards achieving a common objective a goal.

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