Eight example sentences

The first Indian club, the Calcutta Cricket Club, was established in 179 Through the eighteenth century, cricket in India was almost wholly a sport played by British military men and civil servants in all-white clubs and gymkhanas.But Western merchants in the mid-eighteenth century began an illegal trade in opium.The C&F agent surrenders the mates receipt to the shipping company for computation of freight.“Now I want to show you to my eight sisters,” said the Princess.Till the middle of the eighteenth century the enclosure movement proceeded very slowly.But it was only in the late eighteenth century that the number of factories multiplied.Working independently, both the chemists in 1869 proposed that on arranging elements in the increasing order of their atomic weights, similarities appear in physical and chemical properties at regular intervals.Re-size the list boxes to adjust their width and height appropriately.The entire crystal may be considered as giant molecule in which eight membered rings are formed with alternate silicon and oxygen atoms.In the various state systems of eighteenth-century India, the common people did not enjoy the right to participate in the affairs of their governments.Maybe Peggy would climb the Heights with her, and they would tell Wanda she had won the contest, that they thought she was smart and the hundred dresses were beautiful.After receiving the freight charges, the shipping company issues a bill of lading which is a document of contract relating to shipment of the goods by the shipping company.Rain water or river water stored in dams is made to fall from heights.Nobody knew exactly why Wanda sat in that seat, unless it was because she came all the way from Boggins Heights and her feet were usually caked with dry mud.At the time that common fields were being enclosed in England at the end of the eighteenth century, settled agriculture had not developed on any extensive scale in the USA.

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