Ending example sentences

A bill with this proposal has been pending before the Parliament for more than a decade.Thus the households will eventually get the extra earnings required to support the initial additional spending that they had undertaken.Prisoner's Dilemma Game, which is a two person game in which both parties are faced with cooperation or competition, and depending upon their choices both can win or lose, is often used to study cooperation or competition.In an economy with thousands of enterprises with widely varying periods of life of their equipment, in any particular year, some enterprises are actually making the bulk replacement spending.Tasks like washing clothes, cleaning, sweeping and picking up loads require bending, lifting and carrying.When viewed from this perceptive, it is clear that while merchandise exports means sending tangible goods abroad, merchandise imports means bringing tangible goods from a foreign country to one's own country.The reaction may be fast or slow depending on the experimental conditions and the nature of the reactants.To examine the roles of imports and exports in determining equilibrium income in an open economy, we follow the same procedure as we did for the closed economy case – we take investment and government spending as autonomous.Reports can be daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly, depending upon the needs of the users.An appropriate amount is calculated by referring to on Sinking Fund Table depending upon the rate of return on investments and the number of years for which investments are made.The rate of interest offered by the bank to deposit holders is called the 'borrowing rate' and the rate at which banks lend out their reserves to investors is called the 'lending rate'.The uppermost arrow, going from the households to the firms, represents the spending the households undertake to buy goods and services produced by the firms.ending machines are the newest revolution in marketing methods.Attending to various emergencies are daily hassles experienced by a housewife.Depending upon the terms and conditions of issue and redemption of debentures, the following six situations are commonly found in practice.

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