Enrich example sentences
They are the rivers, which flood parts of the northern plains every year, causing widespread damage to life and property but enriching the soil for the extensive agricultural lands.This process in which nutrient enriched water bodies support a dense plant population, which kills animal life by depriving it of oxygen and results in subsequent loss of biodiversity is known as Eutrophication.These green plants thus turn into green manure which helps in enriching the soil in nitrogen and phosphorus.These nutrients need to be added from time to time to enrich the soil.Manure helps in enriching soil with nutrients and organic matter and increasing soil fertility.These may include life enrichment programmes that can sharpen children s skills in productive thinking, planning, decision-making, and communication.It has enriched our life and added substantially to growing amenities and facilities for the comforts of life.People from across the frontiers also came into the subcontinent and settled here. These movements of people enriched our cultural traditions.उपमहाद्धीप के बाहर से भी कुछ लोग यहाँ आए और यहीं बस गए| लोगों के इस आवागमन ने हमारी सांस्कृतिक परंपराओं को समृद्ध किया|We have all seen salt packets which say 'iodised salt' or 'enriched with iodine'.Job enrichment is concerned with designing jobs that include greater variety of work content, require higher level of knowledge and skill; give workers more autonomy and responsibility; and provide the opportunity for personal growth and a meaningful work experience.These include status, promotion, responsibility, job enrichment, job recognition, job security, employee participation, delegation, empowerment etc.If jobs are enriched and made interesting, the job itself becomes a source of motivation to the individual.It has also been clarified that the effect of deprivation is because the nature of the environment in which children grow up — whether it is enriched or impoverished — makes a difference in their cognitive development, and this is reflected in cognitive task performance.It is the single-largest information technology-based intervention by a corporate entity in rural India, transforming the Indian farmer into a progressive knowledge-seeking citizen, enriching him with knowledge and elevating him to a new order of empowerment.They are allowed to grow in carbon dioxide enriched atmosphere that leads to higher yields.
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