Entries example sentences

The same procedure is followed in respect of all the entries recorded in the journal.Pick and paste SubForm control for creating a grid to accommodate the Debit/Credit Entries.The error (or errors) may have occured at one of those stages in the accounting process: (1) totalling of subsidiary books, (2) posting of journal entries in the ledger, (3) calculating account balances, (4) carrying account balances to the trial balance, and (5) totalling the trial balance columns.These entries represent debit or credit of cash account against the bank account or viceversa.An account is opened only once in the ledger and all entries relating to a particular account is posted on the debit or credit side, as the case may be.If the two balances differ, the entries in both the books are compared and the items on account of which the difference has arisen are ascertained with the respective amounts involved so that the bank reconciliation statement may be prepared.This arise the need to look at the entries/errors recorded in both statements and other information available and compute the correct cash balance before reconciling the statements.The book keeper makes entries in the sales journal from one copy of the sales invoice.When shares are forefeited all entries relating to the shares forfeited, except those relating to premium, already recorded in the accounting records, must be reversed.This calculated control is capable of showing the title of the grid as Debit Entries or Credit Entries, depending on choice of Option button at run time.This column has been included in the table structure to store serial numbers 1,2,3 to correspond to the serial number of debit/credit entries being referred to in the grid of an accounting oucher: Debit or Credit.Once both the List box controls for debit and credit entries have been pasted, change the caption property of labels attached to such List boxes and write the text Choose the Account to be Debited for first list box and Choose the Account to be Credited for second.For a single field primary key, Access sets the Required property to Yes and the Indexed property to Yes (No duplicates) because a primary key by definition must have unique values without null entries.The journal entries in the books of the drawer and the drawee will be the same as that of dishonour of bill.Posting is the process of transferring the entries from the books of original entry (journal) to the ledger.

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