Evening example sentences

The poetry of earth is ceasing never: On a lone winter evening when the frost Has wrought a silence, from the stone there shrills The cricket s song, in warmth increasing ever, And seems to one in drowsiness half lost; The grasshopper s among some grassy hills.Therefore it is often called a morning or an evening star, although it is not a star.This was where the best food and the best people in the best clothes appeared every evening.Every evening, once school was over, the boys watched as hundreds of school girls crowded the narrow streets.Orion is another well-known constellation that can be seen during winter in the late evenings.He told me that he had knocked loudly on Mr Nath's door that evening and said, “Open the door quickly, Mr Nath.Demonstrators dispersed by the evening, but they came back on the 24th and 25th.In the evening, there was another storm but the leaf did not fall.Then why are you in evening dress, my precious? As if you're paying a New Year's Eve visit! Well, you see, it's like this.During one of the long dark evenings just before Christmas, the master smith and his helper sat in the dark forge near the furnace waiting for the pig iron, which had been put in the fire, to be ready to put on the anvil.A frail young woman is cooking the evening meal for the whole family.On the Monday following Mamma's birthday, Seven went alone with her to the clinic at Girgaum as I was spending the evening with a schoolfriend.In the evening, when I cooked the food, the two other girls would beg me to give them an extra roti.The evening had already blacked in the windows and the small room was steamy from the stove and cluttered with the heavy-breathing man in his vest at the table and the dirty washing piled up in the corner.What do you do from morning to evening at home?तुम सवेरे से शाम तक घर में क्या करते हो?

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