Exert example sentences

It is not possible for you to identify how much force each member of the team has been exerting.Consider another situation in which the force and the displacement are in the same direction: a baby pulling a toy car parallel to the ground, as shown in Figureure 1 The baby has exerted a force in the direction of displacement of the car.Human beings also exert their influence on the natural environment for fulfilling their physical needs and other purposes.During boom years, when employment is high, tax receipts collected to finance such expenditure increase exerting a stabilising pressure on high consumption spending; conversely, during a slump, these welfare payments help sustain consumption.I will exert all my influence with friends in other countries to make them exercise a similar restraint for a while.How does an object with energy do work? An object that possesses energy can exert a force on another object.There is not only opposition of each other, but they also try to exert power on each other.These, as you have read, include the privatisation of health services in the country, the increasing control that business houses exert on the media, the low value given to women and their work, and the low earnings made by small farmers who grow cotton.Dorothea Beale told the school council in 1893-1894: I am most anxious that girls should not over-exert themselves, or become absorbed in athletic rivalries, and therefore we do not play against the other schools.The media can exert both good and bad influences on attitudes.The increased food grains procurement at enhanced MSP# is the result of the pressure exerted by leading foodgrain producing states, such as Punjab, Haryana and Andhra Pradesh.You exerted a force on the pebble and the pebble got displaced.We feel strained when we overexert ourselves physically, lack a nutritious diet, suffer an injury, or fail to get enough sleep.They change the paths of their annual movement, reduce their cattle numbers, press for rights to enter new areas, exert political pressure on the government for relief, subsidy and other forms of support and demand a right in the management of forests and water resources.The strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth's surface causes the tides.

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