Exploit example sentences

It was primarily the higher level of technological development of the colonising countries that helped them to exploit resources of other regions and establish their supremacy over the colonies.What factors can be exploited to alter the composition of an equilibrium mixture? The last question in particular is important when choosing conditions for synthesis of industrial chemicals such as.Though, the ores are not of very high quality, yet they are efficiently exploited.This chapter provides case histories how some consumers were exploited in a real life situation and how legal institutions helped consumers in getting compensated and in upholding their rights as consumers.The economic system is made to grow in a disproportionate way, through social and political exploitation, so that the poor are left out of the race.The government also announces minimum support price, remunerative and procurement prices for important crops to check the exploitation of farmers by speculators and middlemen.Early identification of opportunities helps an enterprise to be the first to exploit them instead of losing them to competitors.The Chipko movement's memorandum of demands included six principles: (a) only specific trees and vegetation suitable for a particular geographical region should be grown, (b) forests in landslide and soil erosion zones need to be identified and renewed, (c) those who have been customarily living near the forests and depending on them for survival should be given the right to do so, (d) the contractor system for commercial timber exploitation should be abolished, (e) trees used by the villagers must be planted near the villages, and (f) village cottage industries based on minor forest products should be set up to provide jobs to locals for checking migration from villages.There are reports of various kinds of harassment, exploitation and violence against women.The spiritual perspective refers to the view of the environment as something to be respected and valued rather than exploited.To remain in the industry, management must exploit fully the growth potential of the organisation.Exploitation in the marketplace happens in various ways.” He placed the greedy and selfish individuals and exploitative nature of modern technology as the root cause for resource depletion at the global level.Overexploitation of resources and deforestation have become rampant to fulfil the needs of large population.Markets everywhere tend to be exploitative of people – whether as workers, consumers or producers.

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