Filling example sentences

Gendathur receives an annual precipitation of 1,000 mm, and with 80 per cent of collection efficiency and of about 10 fillings, every house can collect and use about 50,000 litres of water annually.ITC s E-Chaupal initiative is a fine example of a business organisation fulfilling corporate social responsibility.) There are two slices of what is called bread, and between them is some sort of filling.Human beings also exert their influence on the natural environment for fulfilling their physical needs and other purposes.These are characterised by the filling of inner d orbitals by electrons and are therefore referred to as d-Block Elements.We have also studied about the filling of electrons into different subshells, also referred to as orbitals (s, p, d, f ) in an atom.After the decisions relating to the above mentioned factors have been taken, the entrepreneur can go ahead with actual launching of the enterprise which would mean mobilising various resources, fulfilling necessary legal formalities, starting the production process and initiating the sales promotion campaign.If minimum subscription has been received, the company may proceed for the allotment of shares after fulfilling certain other legal formalities.Any person who is interested in depositing money in an organisation can do so by filling up a prescribed form.Every member of the group has a different purpose for joining the organisation but as members of the organisation they work towards fulfilling the common organisational goal.In the process of fulfilling all these, management helps in the development of the organisation and through that it helps in the development of society.Studies have shown that people who are isolated and lack social support, i.e. strong and fulfilling interpersonal relationships in their lives are likely to become more depressed and remain depressed longer than those who have good friendships.This expectation would increase the demand for pounds and cause the rupee-pound exchange rate to increase in the present, making the beliefs self-fulfilling.

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