Finally example sentences
In this essay he talks about his fear of water and thereafter, how he finally overcame it.Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur which are acidic in nature can be blown by wind along with solid particles in the atmosphere and finally settle down either on the ground as dry deposition or in water, fog and snow as wet deposition.For instance, to supply water, the government has to incur costs in pumping water, carrying it over long distances, laying down pipes for distribution, treating the water for impurities, and finally, collecting and treating waste water.Finally, we shall examine some of the periodic trends in the physical and chemical properties of the elements.It was only in 1870 when, during the war with Prussia, France withdrew its troops from Rome that the Papal States were finally joined to Italy.Suri Nambuthiri, desperate to find a partner for himself, finally marries a poorer relation from the same family and goes away pretending that he has married Indulekha! Chandu Menon clearly wanted his readers to appreciate the new values of his hero and heroine and criticise the ignorance and immorality of Suri Nambuthiri.This whole scheme of transfer of electrons, starting from the PS , uphill to the accepter, down the electron transport chain to PS I, excitation of electrons, transfer to another accepter, and finally down hill to NADP+ causing it to be reduced to NADPH + H+ is called the Z scheme, due to its characterstic shape (Figureure 1 5).Finally he got out an old pack of cards and played 'mjolis' with his guest until bedtime.Finally click at Finish command button to get the initial design of the Form in run mode, if the option for entering data is exercised.He wandered for seven years and finally sat down under a fig tree, where he vowed to stay until enlightenment came.The problem of over subscription is finally resolved with the allotment of shares.It is a tale of two lovers belonging to two hostile families who are separated by the war and finally reunited.The English poet Lord Byron organised funds and later went to figureht in the war, where he died of fever in 182 Finally, the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognised Greece as an independent nation.Finally, the mode of spreading the message plays a significant role.A number of formalities are needed to be performed and documents to be filled in before goods are finally dispatched to export markets.
Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English