Fodder example sentences

In search of good pastureland for their cattle, they moved over long distances, selling plough cattle and other goods to villagers in exchange for grain and fodder.In addition to these food crops, fodder crops like berseem, oats or sudan grass are raised as food for the livestock.He is a member of the co-operative society which also advises him on the type of fodder for his animals, safety measures to protect the health of the livestock and artificial insemination.Turnip was, moreover, a good fodder crop relished by cattle.In addition to people gathering fruits, nuts and medicines from the forests, their cattle also graze in forest areas or feed on other fodder which is collected from forests.In this type of farming, herdsmen move from place to place with their animals for fodder and water, along defined routes.Desirable agronomic characteristics: Tallness and profuse branching are desirable characters for fodder crops.They provide us with food, fodder, fuel, medicines and several other commercially important products.In return for help in protection, villagers were given employment in both silviculture and harvesting operations, 25 per cent of the final harvest, and allowed fuelwood and fodder collection on payment of a nominal fee.Some of the crops produced during 'zaid' are watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops.The women of the family spend the day chopping fodder and collecting firewood in the fields.Similarly, in the case of an activity like dairy, we are dependent on the biological process of the animals and availability of fodder etc.In mixed farming the land is used for growing food and fodder crops and rearing livestock.Private land is owned by individuals whereas, community land is owned by the community for common uses like collection of fodder, fruits, nuts or medicinal herbs.Earlier, farmers in northern India used to grow legumes as fodder in one season and wheat in the next season.

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