Forcibly example sentences

As you read in the previous chapter Adivasis are often unwilling to move from their land and are forcibly displaced.Firstly, it lists modes of humiliation that are both physically horrific and morally reprehensible and seeks to punish those who force a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe to drink or eat any inedible or obnoxious substance; … forcibly removes clothes from the person of a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or parades him or her naked or with painted face or body or commits any similar act which is derogatory to human dignity… Secondly, it lists actions that dispossess Dalits and Adivasis of their meagre resources or which force them into performing slave labour.Janu, an Adivasi activist, has also pointed out that one of the violators of Constitutional rights guaranteed to tribal people are governments in the various states of India – for it is they who allow non-tribal encroachers in the form of timber merchants, paper mills etc, to exploit tribal land, and to forcibly evict tribal people from their traditional forests in the process of declaring forests as reserved or as sanctuaries.The Scottish Highlanders were forbidden to speak their Gaelic language or wear their national dress, and large numbers were forcibly driven out of their homeland.After a failed revolt led by Wolfe Tone and his United Irishmen (1798), Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in 180 A new 'British nation' was forged through the propagation of a dominant English culture.Activists have asked that those who have forcibly encroached upon tribal lands should be punished under this law.

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