Format example sentences
The necessary information, particularly in case of external users, is provided in the form of financial statements, viz.However, there are specific conditions that lead to the formation of specific attitudes.The Himalayan uplift out of the Tethys sea and subsidence of the northern flank of the peninsular plateau resulted in the formation of a large basin.To the extent that this reduces capital formation and growth, debt acts as a 'burden' on future generations.Thus, for sales promotion, information about the goods available, its features, price, etc.Such information enables the interested parties to take appropriate decisions.This realisation came due to the fact that accounting is capable of providing the kind of information that managers and other interested persons need in order to make better decisions.The major factors of soil formation are the nature of the parent rock and climatic factors.Adaptation of a song written as part of the Right to Information campaign by inay Mahajan.Asexual reproduction in liverworts takes place by fragmentation of thalli, or by the formation of specialised structures called gemmae (sing.Certain rights like right to freedom of press, right to information, and right to education are derived from the Fundamental Rights.Componential ntelligence : Componential or analytical intelligence is the analysis of information to solve problems.The most familiar examples are phase transformation processes, e.g., Ice and water kept in a perfectly insulated thermos flask (no exchange of heat between its contents and the surroundings) at 273K and the atmospheric pressure are in equilibrium state and the system shows interesting characteristic features.Moreover, an attitude may change in the direction of the information that is presented, or in a direction opposite to that of the information presented.But if we wish to bring about a fundamental social transformation, or basic change even in one aspect of life, we would need a political organisation.
Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English