Formulate example sentences

They formulate overall organisational goals and strategies for their achievement.Some people say that this pressure to win electoral figurehts does not allow sensible long-term policies to be formulated.It formulates and implements several welfare schemes.The Department of Commerce formulates policies in the sphere of foreign trade.In a democracy, a large number of similar opinions have to be grouped together to provide a direction in which policies can be formulated by the governments.Reduction in the size of the egg-laying bird with ability to utilise more fibrous cheaper diets formulated using agricultural by-products.To begin with formulate, create and save a query, which is capable of providing a record set as the information source of report.A number of psychologists have used traits to formulate their theories of personality.The Chambers of Commerce and Industry interact with the government to formulate such laws and take action against those who violate rules and regulations.Although there are so many schemes which are formulated to affect poverty directly or indirectly, some of them are worth mentioning.As part of this, we will look at how rights are translated into laws to protect groups from continued exploitation and we will also look at the government's efforts to formulate policies to promote the access of these groups to development.Their main task is to carry out the plans formulated by the top managers.He is involved in the activities of the organisation, studies critical situations and formulates his own theories for use in a given situation.This model was first formulated by Freud who believed that three central forces shape personality — instinctual needs, drives and impulses (id), rational thinking (ego), and moral standards (superego).A centralised administrative system was put in place and it formulated uniform laws for all citizens within its territory.

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