Fortuna example sentences
The government has laid down certain standards of sanitation but, unfortunately, they are not strictly enforced.Fortunately, our surface conditions do give that impression.The state of the surroundings can never be completely specified; fortunately it is not necessary to do so.Unfortunately, this huge expansion of schools has been diluted by the poor quality of schooling and high dropout rates.Unfortunately, in the case of some natural disasters such as earthquakes, even if prediction is possible, the events come too suddenly for people to be warned or to be mentally prepared.He did not understand why even the juiciest grass and grains that he gave them, and all the love that he showered on them, would not stop these unfortunate goats from running straight into the jaws of death.The players Indian fans remember even now are those who were fortunate enough to play Test cricket.I sat under it and wondered whether there could possibly be a more unfortunate child than me in this world! When the coins had first created a racket in my pocket, the entire matter seemed so simple and straightforward.Through a fortunate chance he became laboratory assistant to Davy, and during 1813-4, Faraday accompanied him to the Continent.The players Indian fans remember from the era of the Pentangular and the Quadrangular are those who were fortunate enough to play Test cricket.” Under the circumstances this was a very unfortunate remark for the little bird to make.Fortunately, in many parts of rural and urban India, rooftop rainwater harvesting is being successfully adapted to store and conserve water.Clean water that is fit for use is unfortunately not available to all.However, fortunately, Ahmad has a yellow card, which is PDS Card for below poverty line people.I know that all of you feel the way I do, that this is a very unfortunate thing to have happened — unfortunate and sad, both.
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