Fund example sentences
However, grants such as building grant are treated as capital receipt and transferred to the building fund account.This concluding chapter draws upon all that you have learnt in the last two years so as to address the fundamental questions of democratic politics : What are the challenges that democracy faces in our country and elsewhere? What can be done to reform democratic politics? How can our democracy become more democratic in its practice and outcomes? This chapter does not answer these questions.'Borrowed funds' on the other hand, refer to the funds raised through loans or borrowings.The amount thus ascertained is transferred from profits every year to Debenture Redemption Fund and its investment is termed as Debenture Redemption Fund Investment.The decision relating to this factor will depend on the nature and size of business, availability of funds and the process of production.The courts also gave a number of judgments upholding the right to a healthy environment as intrinsic to the Fundamental Right to Life.Hence, it is a capital receipt and shown on the Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet as an item of a specific purpose fund.Similarly equity capital has a role to play in the scheme for raising funds in the corporate sector.But if we wish to bring about a fundamental social transformation, or basic change even in one aspect of life, we would need a political organisation.Normally, these organisations do not undertake any business activity, and are managed by trustees who are fully accountable to their members and the society for the utilization of the funds raised for meeting the objectives of the organisation.Trade credit, loans from commercial banks and commercial papers are some of the examples of the sources that provide funds for short duration.In fact, at this stage the Debenture Redemption Fund Investments are encashed and the amount so obtained is used for the redemption of debentures.However, recently a study by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) found that Ganga is one of the ten most endangered rivers in the world.The advantage of such an option is that a company can redeem the debentures at its convenience whenever it has surplus funds.Retained earnings is a permanent source of funds available to an organisation; It does not involve any explicit cost in the form of interest, dividend or floatation cost; As the funds are generated internally, there is a greater degree of operational freedom and flexibility.
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