Gifted example sentences

Performance on intelligence tests is not the only measure for identifying the gifted.“You remember Wanda Petronski, the gifted little artist who won the drawing contest? Well, she has written me, and I am glad to know where she lives, because now I can send her medal.Other researches have shown that not even one of those identified as gifted, followed up throughout their adult life, had become well-known for creativity in some field.t has been suggested by psychologists that giftedness from the teachers point of view depends on a combination of high ability, high creativity, and high commitment.The study of gifted individuals began in 1925, when Lewis Terman followed the lives of about 1500 children with Qs of 130 and above to examine how intelligence was related to occupational success and life adjustment.Although the terms talent and giftedness are often used interchangeably, they mean different things.Gifted children show early signs of intellectual superiority.The persons in the first group are called intellectually gifted; those in the second group are termed mentally challenged or mentally retarded.that they had been gifted away to their husbands and they belong to their husband's place.ntellectually gifted individuals show higher performance because of their outstanding potentialities.Athletes who show superior psychomotor ability are also gifted.His first trip abroad was to Afghanistan where King Zahir Shah was so taken in by the maestro that he gifted him priceless Persian carpets and other souvenirs.Some important characteristics of gifted children are : Advanced logical thinking, questioning and problem solving behaviour.Each gifted student possesses different strengths, personalities and characteristics.Giftedness is exceptional general ability shown in superior performance in a wide variety of areas.

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