Gradually example sentences

Loss on issue of debenture account is a capital loss and it is to be written-off gradually against the profit and loss account or securities premium account.Gradually by the second half of the nineteenth century, people from within the lower castes began organising movements against caste discrimination, and demanded social equality and justice.The development of trade and commerce gradually led to the development of management principles and practices.The furrow gradually deepens and ultimately joins in the centre dividing the cell cytoplasm into two.Gradually a large number of priests, workers, artisans, traders, etc.Note that the increments in final goods output in successive rounds are gradually diminishing.This is due to the reason that a predetermined percentage is applied to a gradually shrinking balance on the asset account every year.They were also gradually edged out of the shipping business.This aspect of accounting gradually assumed so much importance that it has now been raised to the level of an information system.During leptotene stage the chromosomes become gradually visible under the light microscope.We can now imagine as if the machine is being gradually used up in each year's production process and each year one twentieth of its original value is getting depreciated.She gradually moved from orchestral work to solo performances.But economists gradually discovered that they had to look further.As a result, the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere is gradually increasing.Gradually, with the support of the Brahmanas, many tribes became part of the caste system.

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