Guru example sentences

Srinivas Das's novel, published in 1882, was titled Pariksha-Guru (The Master Examiner).Thus, Guru Nanak's idea of equality had social and political implications.This may have something to do with Guru Nanak's insistence that his followers must be householders and should adopt productive and useful occupations.Guruji recommended a shanti yajna to pacify the evil spirit behind the comet.The ideas of Guru Nanak had a huge impact on this development from the very beginning.The entire body used to meet at Amritsar at the time of Baisakhi and Diwali to take collective decisions known as “resolutions of the Guru (gurmatas)”.The number of Guru Nanak's followers increased through the sixteenth century under his successors.In 1706 this compilation was authenticated by his son and successor, Guru Gobind Singh.For example, the celebration of Diwali, Id, Christmas, and Guru Parv in India provides significant financial opportunities for greetings card companies, sweets or confectionery manufacturers, tailoring outlets and many other related business.Before his death in 1539, Guru Nanak appointed one of his followers as his successor.Following one of the 29 rules given by their guru, the Bishnois would do anything to prevent the destruction of trees by human beings, including hugging the trees if they are threatened in any way; the destroyer cannot cut the trees without cutting these human bodies.Pariksha-Guru reflects the inner and outer world of the newly emerging middle classes.Named after Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Swami ivekananda's guru, the Ramakrishna Mission stressed the ideal of salvation through social service and selfless action.With all its good intentions, Pariksha- Guru could not win many readers, as it was perhaps too moralising in its style.The sacred space thus created by Guru Nanak was known as dharmsal.

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