Gymkhana example sentences

For example, the Governor of the Bombay Presidency while dealing with an application from the Islam Gymkhana for land on Bombay s seafront wrote: we can be certain that in a short time we shall get a similar application from some Hindu Gymkhana I don t see how we are to refuse these applicants; but I will refuse any more grants once a Gymkhana has been established by each nationality .By the 1890s, Hindus and Muslims were busy gathering funds and support for a Hindu Gymkhana and an Islam Gymkhana.The rivalry between the Parsis and the Bombay Gymkhana had a happy ending for these pioneers of Indian cricket.The Parsis complained that the park was left unfit for cricket because the polo ponies of the Bombay Gymkhana dug up the surface.When it became clear that the colonial authorities were prejudiced in favour of their white compatriots, the Parsis built their own gymkhana to play cricket in.The Parsis complained that the park was left unfit for cricket because the polo ponies of the Bombay Gymkhana dug up the surface.A Parsi team beat the Bombay Gymkhana at cricket in 1889, just four years after the foundation of the Indian National Congress in 1885, an organisation that was lucky to have amongst its early leaders the great Parsi statesman and intellectual Dadabhai Naoroji.The first Indian club, the Calcutta Cricket Club, was established in 179 Through the eighteenth century, cricket in India was almost wholly a sport played by British military men and civil servants in all-white clubs and gymkhanas.When it became clear that the colonial authorities were prejudiced in favour of their white compatriots, the Parsis built their own gymkhana to play cricket in.In fact, there was a quarrel between the Bombay Gymkhana, a whites-only club, and Parsi cricketers over the use of a public park.In fact, there was a quarrel between the Bombay Gymkhana, a whites-only club, and Parsi cricketers over the use of a public park.The establishment of the Parsi Gymkhana became a precedent for other Indians who in turn established clubs based on the idea of religious community.The rivalry between the Parsis and the racist Bombay Gymkhana had a happy ending for these pioneers of Indian cricket.A Parsi team beat the Bombay Gymkhana at cricket in 1889, just four years after the foundation of the Indian National Congress in 1885, an organisation that was lucky to have amongst its early leaders the great Parsi statesman and intellectual Dadabhai Naoroji.This history of gymkhana cricket led to first-class cricket being organised on communal and racial lines.

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