Helped example sentences
Cricket helped to confirm this self-image of the English elite by glorifying the amateur ideal, where cricket was played not for victory or profit, but for its own sake, in the spirit of fair play.These roads have improved accessibility in areas of difficult terrain and have helped in the economic development of these area.The organisation of the Sikhs into a political community during the seventeenth century (see Chapter 8) helped in regional state-building in the Punjab.Golu politely helped him to coil around the branch again and said goodbye to him.In West Bengal, land reform measures have helped in reducing poverty.A change in rules for LBW decisions helped to reduce negative batting tactics.They ate at the master's table, and helped their master through the year, doing a variety of odd jobs.Translations of novels into different regional languages helped to spread the popularity of the novel and stimulated the growth of the novel in new areas.Through glorified accounts of the past, these novels helped in creating a sense of national pride among their readers.By the beginning of the nineteenth century, men like Thomas Arnold, headmaster of the famous Rugby School and founder of the modern public school system, saw team sport like cricket and rugby not just as outdoor play, but as an organised way of teaching English boys the discipline, the importance of hierarchy, the skills, the codes of honour and the leadership qualities that helped them build and run the British empire.Can you identify some factors that have helped her/him to cope and overcome the trauma? Do you see any similar factors in your own life? Discuss with your teacher.One of the employees, who was a postman and also helped at the post office, went to his boss laughing heartily and showed him the letter to God.However, with proper counselling and psychiatric treatment, PTSD can be remedied at least upto a level where the victims can be motivated, and helped to start life afresh.Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation: art and poetry, stories and music helped express and shape nationalist feelings.This chapter provides case histories how some consumers were exploited in a real life situation and how legal institutions helped consumers in getting compensated and in upholding their rights as consumers.
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