Helping example sentences

Individuals who are brought up in a family environment that sets examples of helping others, emphasises helping as a value, and praises helpfulness, and showing more prosocial behaviour than individuals who are brought up in a family environment devoid of these features.Mona and Raju were helping Amma to clean their house.The basic goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to bring the repressed unconscious materials to consciousness, thereby helping people to live in a more self-aware and integrated manner.This chapter also provides details of a few organisations helping consumers in different ways.Earlier supply merchants had very often lived within the weaving villages, and had a close relationship with the weavers, looking after their needs and helping them in times of crisis.Breaking the poverty cycle, and helping the poor to attain self-sufficiency — Initially, financial relief, medical and other facilities may have to be provided to the poor.In some situations, people show pro-social behaviour, that is, helping the needy and the distressed, without expecting anything in return.She improvises new ways of helping her mother at home and comes up with new ways of doing her work and assignments.On the other hand, a housewife cooking food for her family or a boy helping an old man cross the road are performing non-economic activities since they are doing so out of love or sympathy.For example, when we come to know that a person is sociable, we assume that s/he will not only be cooperative, friendly and helping, but also engage in behaviours that involve other social components.Ethylene also promotes root growth and root hair formation, thus helping the plants to increase their absorption surface.This behaviour is called helping or pro-social behaviour.Counselling involves helping relationship, that includes someone seeking help, and someone willing to give help, who is capable of or trained to help in a setting that permits help to be given and received.Two such examples are social facilitation/ inhibition, i.e. the improvement/decline in performance in the presence of others, and helping, or pro-social behaviour, i.e. responding to others who are in need or distress.Some common examples of pro-social behaviour are sharing things, cooperating with others, helping during natural calamities, showing sympathy, doing favours to others, and making charitable donations.

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