Her example sentences

Apart from tax regulations, there are certain specific legislations that indirectly compel some business organisations like corporate enterprises to provide depreciation on fixed assets.But this is not the case with international business where buyers and sellers come from different countries.In other words, such cycles of growth and division allow a single cell to form a structure consisting of millions of cells.The financial statements provide basic input for industrial, taxation and other economic policies of the government.She has not enjoyed even one full meal in her entire lifetime — that's what she has reaped! Her husband, an old man with a flowing beard, says, “I know nothing except bangles.There were many storms that swept away their fields and homes, his mother tells him.Both diamond and graphite are formed by carbon atoms, the difference lies in the manner in which the carbon atoms are bonded to one another.' And I started, because I had quite forgotten that this most brilliant and completely paralysed astrophysicist the author of A Brief History of Time, one of the biggest best-sellers ever, lived here.“The most necessary person is the person you are with at a particular moment, for no one knows what will happen in the future and whether we will meet anyone else.An entrepreneur undertakes risks under the expectation of higher profit.It may be noted that Receipt and Payment Account shows the total amount of subscription actually received during the year while the amount shown in Income and Expenditure Account is confined to the figureure related to the current period only irrespective of the fact whether it has been received or not.This can be seen directly in the form of higher incomes earned because of higher productivity of the more educated or the better trained persons, as well as the higher productivity of healthier people.If anybody wants to predict what the equilibrium value of the final goods, output or GDP will be it is important for her to know what quantities of the final goods people plan to demand or supply.Prof Ahmad explained that apart from these animals which are easily seen, there are several organisms and micro-organisms that live in the soil.Keynes — a noted economist joined together at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire to identify measures to restore peace and normalcy in the world.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English