Herd example sentences

More and more nomadic herdsmen are taking to city life finding jobs in oil and gas operations.The nomadic cattle herders of Kaokoland in Namibia complained: 'We have difficulty.Pastoralists were not allowed to enter these reserves; they could neither hunt animals nor graze their herds in these areas.” Sophie's father was scooping shepherd's pie into his mouth as hard as he could go, his plump face still grimy and sweat — marked from the day.We can find out about the lives of hunters, herders, farmers, rulers, merchants, priests, crafts persons, artists, musicians, and scientists.हम शिकारियों, पशुपालकों, कृषकों, शासकों, व्यापारियों, पुरोहितों, शिल्पकारों, कलाकारों, संगीतकारों या फिर वैज्ञानिकों के जीवन के बारे में जानकारियाँ हासिल कर सकते हैं|They lived near the woods, cultivated small patches of land, engaged in a variety of petty trades and took care of their herds.In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, again, the dry central plateau was covered with stone and grass, inhabited by cattle, goat and sheep herders.The lives of herders or farmers were different from those of kings and queens, the lives of merchants were different from those of crafts persons.पशुपालकों अथवा कृषकों का जीवन राजाओं तथा रानियों के जीवन से तथा व्यापारियों का जीवन शिल्पकारों के जीवन से बहुत भिन्न था|When the high mountains were covered with snow, the herds were grazed in the low hills.[Now] breeders find it difficult to raise large herds.The Konkani peasants also gave supplies of rice which the shepherds took back to the plateau where grain was scarce.Some reduced the number of cattle in their herds, since there was not enough pasture to feed large numbers.Tribal men usually lead large herds of animals in search of pasture while children often look after small flocks.आदिवासी पुरुष आमतौर पर पशुओं के बड़े-बड़े झुण्डों को चराते हैं जबकि बच्चे छोटे झुण्डों को|The men graze the cattle, and frequently lie out for weeks in the woods tending their herds.Our boys gave them a rousing chorus of While Shepherds Watched.

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