Hindrance example sentences
The hindrances may be in respect of persons, place, time, risk, finance, etc.These activities help in removing various hindrances which arise in connection with the production and distribution of goods.Hence, commerce is said to consist of activities of removing the hindrances of persons, place, time, risk, finance and information in the process of exchange of goods and services.Transport removes the hindrances of place by moving goods from the places of production to the markets for sale.Storage and warehousing activities remove the hindrance of time by facilitating holding of stocks of goods to be sold as and when required.The hindrance of persons is removed by trade thereby making goods available to the consumers from the producers.The Chambers interact with the government at different levels to reorient or put in place policies which reduce hindrances, increase interstate movement of goods, introduce transparency and remove multiple layers of inspection and bureaucratic hurdles.Thus, all activities involving the removal of hindrances in the process of exchange are included in commerce.
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