Ict example sentences

When cyclones or high tides are predicted, fishermen are asked not to venture into the sea.The discount/loss on issue of debentures is a capital loss or a fictitious asset and, therefore, must be written-off during the life time of debentures.Whichever group is more powerful will dictate its terms and others will have to accept that.The test presents with the help of cartoon like pictures a series of situations in which one person frustrates another, or calls attention to a frustrating condition.As we can see, the dams did create conflicts between people wanting different uses and benefits from the same water resources.According to section 211 of The Companies Act, the balance sheet shall be prepared in a prescribed format, depict true and fair view of financial position and follow general instructions for preparation of balance sheet under the given headings with notes at the end.Apart from legal restrictions, even the variations in socio-cultural environments, geographic influences and economic conditions come in a big way in their movement across countries.The detectives had only enough evidence to convict them for a small offence.Immediately after the Mumbai blasts on 11 July, 2006, the community stepped forward to help the blast victims in any way they could.The orbital overlapping gives us better picture about the structure of benzene.The Companies Act, 1956 does not impose any restrictions upon the issue of debentures at a discount.Recognising this, the central government in India recently made a law implementing the Right to Work in 200 districts of India.At some stage, follow-up of the victims and survivors is also needed in order to ensure that they have, indeed, recovered sufficiently from their traumatic experience.The Companies Act, 1956 does not impose any restrictions upon the issue of debentures at a discount.For example, restrictions may be imposed on the sale of mortgaged goods, thus making normal business working difficult.

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