Illustrated example sentences

They also carried images and were very often beautifully illustrated.Magazines were attractive since they were illustrated and cheap.The balancing of the an account is illustrated below with the help of an example explaining the complete process of recording the transactions, posting to ledger and balancing there of.This can be illustrated with the help of the following example.They illustrated, educated, punctuated, and even decorated.The change of non-metallic to metallic character can be best illustrated by the nature of oxides they form.Within a family or vertical column of the periodic table, the atomic radius increases regularly with atomic number as illustrated in Figureure 4(b).Impact of legal environment can be illustrated with the help of government regulations to protect consumer's interests.typical eukaryotic cell cycle is illustrated by human cells in culture.The Mughal emperors Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan patronised highly skilled painters who primarily illustrated manuscripts containing historical accounts and poetry.The atomic size generally decreases across a period as illustrated in Figureure 4(a) for the elements of the second period.Poverty trends in India and the world are illustrated through the concept of the poverty line.

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