Increasing example sentences

Increasing the pressure to work hard (making group members committed to successful task performance).However, it is now being increasingly realised that neither a purely organismic approach nor a purely reductionistic molecular approach would reveal the truth about biological processes or living phenomena.As colonial control over Indian trade tightened, the space within which Indian merchants could function became increasingly limited.The focus on increasing foodgrain production which should be on a sustainable basis and also free trade in grains will create massive employment and reduce poverty in rural areas.Also, simply increasing grain production for storage in warehouses cannot solve the problem of malnutrition and hunger.This involves increasing the water holding capacity in sandy soils.Clearly, the new nation had to lift its masses out of poverty by increasing the productivity of agriculture and by promoting new, job-creating industries.As you have read, the increasing privatisation of health services and the neglect of government hospitals have made it difficult for most poor people like Kanta, Hakim Sheik and Aman to get good quality health care.These initiatives have helped to build a homogeneous and focused team in Tata Steel, increasing motivation and binding to the vision of the company and spurred employees to deliver targets on a participatory management basis leading to ownership of processes.Everyone in the economy will hold their wealth in money balance and if additional money is injected within the economy it will be used up to satiate people's craving for money balances without increasing the demand for bonds and without further lowering the rate of interest below the floor rmin.Have you noticed how rapidly the number of vehicles is increasing in our cities? ehicles produce high levels of pollutants like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and smoke (Figureure 1 3).But it has of late considerably speeded up its process of integrating with the world economy and increasing its foreign trade and investments (see Box A: India Embarks on the Path to Globalisation).As a result, we do not have any major scope for increasing the area of land under cultivation.The everincreasing number of industries has made matters worse by exerting pressure on existing freshwater resources.The retailers are benefitted as it helps them in increasing the demand for various new products.

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