Inhabited example sentences

They inhabited the grasslands (steppes) of Central Asia and the forested areas further north.The Sahara desert despite its harsh climate has been inhabited by various groups of people, who pursue different activities.The Catholic clans that inhabited the Scottish Highlands suffered terrible repression whenever they attempted to assert their independence.While this may suggest that this was an area that was inhabited only or mainly by Rajputs, this is only partly true.The primary identities of the people who inhabited the British Isles were ethnic ones – such as English, Welsh, Scot or Irish.In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, again, the dry central plateau was covered with stone and grass, inhabited by cattle, goat and sheep herders.This land of rolling hills is inhabited by a proud race of martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures.The Pitli island, which is uninhabited, has a bird sanctuary.The Gonds lived in a vast forested region called Gondwana – or “country inhabited by Gonds”.The rugged topography, steep slopes of the mountains, low-lying areas susceptible to water logging, desert areas, thick forested areas are normally sparsely populated or uninhabited.

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