Initial example sentences
At the initial equilibrium exchange rate e*, there is now an excess demand for foreign exchange.These compounds were initially extracted from natural substances and it was thought that these carbon compounds or organic compounds could only be formed within a living system.An error in the books of original entry, if discovered before it is posted to the ledger, may be corrected by crossing out the wrong amount by a single line and writing the correct amount above the crossed amount and initialling it.It is also an important beverage crop introduced in India initially by the British.The bill can be initially endorsed by the drawer by putting his signatures at the back of the bill along with the name of the party to whom it is being transferred.Six sets of experiments with varying initial conditions were performed, starting with only gaseous H2 and I2 in a sealed reaction vessel in first four experiments (1, 2, 3 and 4) and only HI in other two experiments (5 and 6).Finally click at Finish command button to get the initial design of the Form in run mode, if the option for entering data is exercised.In the initial years the standards are of recommendatory in nature.It is useful to note that the work done by gravity depends on the difference in vertical heights of the initial and final positions of the object and not on the path along which the object is moved.Initially, when a Form is built, it is not always possible to choose the best type of controls to display each field on the Form.If we start with equal initial concentration of H2 and I2, the reaction proceeds in the forward direction and the concentration of H2 and I2 decreases while that of HI increases, until all of these become constant at equilibrium (Figureure 5).In Russia, the war was initially popular and people rallied around Tsar Nicholas .Initially there was no water vapour (or very less) inside the box.Thermodynamics is not concerned about how and at what rate these energy transformations are carried out, but is based on initial and final states of a system undergoing the change.The tournament was initially called the Quadrangular, because it was played by four teams: the Europeans, the Parsis, the Hindus and the Muslims.
Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English