Intricate example sentences
How could machines produce saris with intricate borders or cloths with traditional woven patterns? These had a wide demand not only amongst the rich but also amongst the middle classes.The epithelial cells of Bowman's capsule called podocytes are arranged in an intricate manner so as to leave some minute spaces called filtration slits or slit pores.But the demand in the market was often for goods with intricate designs and specific shapes.If this is the case, it is no surprise that the thinking tissue in our body consists of dense networks of intricately arranged neurons.Through an intricate control of temperatures the smelters produced steel ingots that were used for sword making not just in India but in West and Central Asia too.One day, when Grandfather was strolling down the forest path at some distance from the rest of the party, he discovered a little tiger about eighteen inches long, hiding among the intricate roots of a banyan tree.So the social act of consumption and production are intricately linked and, in fact, there is a circular causation here.At another level, we explore the intricate question, how do goods reach these markets? We examine how a chain of markets operates and the role of wholesale markets within this, through the case study of a wholesale vegetable market.One day, when Grandfather was strolling down the forest path at some distance from the rest of the party, he discovered a little tiger about eighteen inches long, hiding among the intricate roots of a banyan tree.Emphasis was laid on intricate and rapid footwork, elaborate costumes, as well as on the enactment of stories.
Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English