Irrespective example sentences

But since most of the members belong to a party, they go by the direction of the party leadership, irrespective of their personal opinions.Anyone can be called a manager irrespective of the educational qualifications possessed.Such donation is to be capitalised and shown on the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet irrespective of the fact whether the amount is big or small.Such donation is to be capitalised and shown on the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet irrespective of the fact whether the amount is big or small.Show the total amounts of all payments on its credit side irrespective of their nature (whether capital or revenue) and whether they pertain to past, current and future periods.In our society, the caste system has been largely the source of social disadvantage, but poverty, irrespective of caste, has also played a role in creating social disadvantage.Thus, Receipt and Payment Account gives summarised picture of various receipts and payments, irrespective of whether they pertain to the current period, previous period or succeeding period or whether they are of capital or revenue nature.They tend to engage in any activity irrespective of its earning potential.Irrespective of the fact that shares have been issued for consideration other than cash, they can be issued either at par or at premium.Show the total amounts of all receipts on its debit side irrespective of their nature (whether capital or revenue) and whether they pertain to past, current and future periods.It takes place throughout the life of the organisation irrespective of people occupying managerial positions.It shows the total amounts of all receipts and payments irrespective of the period to which they pertain .Show the total amounts of all receipts on its debit side irrespective of their nature (whether capital or revenue) and whether they pertain to past, current and future periods.The interest is required to be paid irrespective of the firm earning a profit or incurring a loss.Thus, irrespective of 'how' the products are sold or 'where' the sale is made, if the sales are made directly to the consumers, it will be considered as retailing.

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