Land example sentences
This system is more useful on the uneven land where sufficient water is not available.Earlier, it was common for labourers to live with landowners.Rich people of England including the Queen herself wore clothes of Indian fabric.Our southern neighbours across the sea consist of the two island countries, namely Sri Lanka and Maldives.Landlords, moneylenders, priests and colonial bureaucrats – all those who hold power in society – form a network of oppression, rob their land and make them into landless labourers.Many weavers had small plots of land which they had earlier cultivated along with weaving, and the produce from this took care of their family needs.Collateral is an asset that the borrower owns (such as land, building, vehicle, livestocks, deposits with banks) and uses this as a guarantee to a lender until the loan is repaid.Presently, the landlords learned that Germany had developed synthetic indigo.It seemed that this most easy way to the Island was not to be his.Besides the territory around Moscow, the Russian empire included current-day Finland, Lativia, Lithuania, Estonia, parts of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus.The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland that resulted in the formation of the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain' meant, in effect, that England was able to impose its influence on Scotland.The standard unit of measuring land is hectare, though in the villages you may find land area being discussed in local units such as bigha, guintha etc.They inhabited the grasslands (steppes) of Central Asia and the forested areas further north.Meanwhile, the villagers, thinking that the landlord's men had killed him, file a case.Burhanpur which had earlier participated in the trade between Agra and Surat now expanded its hinterland to include Poona and Nagpur in the south and Lucknow and Allahabad in the east.
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