Lawyer example sentences

Gandhi and the lawyers now proceeded to conduct a far-flung inquiry into the grievances of the farmers.The task of a lawyer is to ensure that his client gets justice.Then one day The Boss closed down the Story Department and this was perhaps the only instance in all human history where a lawyer lost his job because the poets were asked to go home.Gandhi chided the lawyers for collecting big fee from the sharecroppers.The lawyer was also officially known as the legal adviser, but everybody referred to him as the opposite.Gandhi's lawyer friends thought it would be a good idea for Andrews to stay in Champaran and help them.Those who resisted, engaged lawyers; the landlords hired thugs.You saw Subbu always with The Boss but in the attendance rolls, he was grouped under a department called the Story Department comprising a lawyer and an assembly of writers and poets.So from the smallest items like pins or buttons to the largest ones like aeroplanes, automobiles, giant machinery or any saleable service like that of the doctor, the lawyer or the financial consultant – the goods and services produced are to be sold to the consumers.Why, the senior lawyer replied, they had come to advise and help him; if he went to jail there would be nobody to advise and they would go home.Unlike professions such as medicine or law which require a practicing doctor or lawyer to possess valid degrees, nowhere in the world is it mandatory for a manager to possess any such specific degree.Muzzafarpur lawyers called on Gandhi to brief him; they frequently represented peasant groups in court; they told him about their cases and reported the size of their fee.The new migrants coming to Delhi were rural landlords, lawyers, teachers, traders and small shopkeepers.When the actress paused for breath, the lawyer said to her, One minute, please, and played back the recording.This refers to the expenses that are incurred in connection with the formation of a company which include items like cost of printing various documents, fees paid to the lawyers for drafting of such documents, stamp duty, registration and filing fees paid at the time of registration of the company, etc.

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