Leader example sentences

I think what this country needs is a strong leader, someone who does not have to bother about elections and parliament.Its leader, Robert Mugabe, has been ruling the country since independence.Under their leader, Churaman, they acquired control over territories situated to the west of the city of Delhi, and by the 1680s they had begun dominating the region between the two imperial cities of Delhi and Agra.As a result the leaders assume greater power to make decisions in the name of the party.These were provided by community leaders, who also functioned as teachers and adjudicators and were sometimes ascribed with supernatural powers.Do remember that this massacre was being carried out by the army of their own country, working under the direction of a leader who came to power through democratic elections.MPs and MLAs have to accept whatever the party leaders decide.In groups, the leader or whoever is heading the group holds responsibility for the work.There cannot be any distinction between a political leader, government official and an ordinary citizen.Since one or few leaders exercise paramount power in the party, those who disagree with the leadership find it difficult to continue in the party.Leadership indicates the ability of an individual to maintain good interpersonal relations with followers and motivate them to contribute for achieving organisational objectives.A supervisor with good leadership qualities can build up high morale among workers.During this period the candidates contact their voters, political leaders address election meetings and political parties mobilise their supporters.We can understand it by reading the views of some of our major leaders on our Constitution.Regular electoral competition provides incentives to political parties and leaders.

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