Liable example sentences
Broadly speaking, unless a systematic approach to maintenance of records is followed, reliable financial statements cannot be prepared.The poor man is liable to be hung for taking from You what would not supply you with a meal; & You would do nothing illegal by depriving him of his subsistence; …What should be the inference of the poor…when the laws are not accessible to the injured poor and the government gives them no redress?' Source: J.Over and above that amount, they are not liable personally to pay for the debts of society, in case the liabilities are greater than its assets.Thus we have reliable information on the proportion of different religious communities in the country and how it has changed over the years.The machines have to be made reliable in their operations.Yet because the packages were eventually recovered, neither insurance nor the airlines was liable.The system is accurate and more reliable as the possibilities of frauds and mis-appropriations are minimised.A reliable information should be free from error and bias and faithfully represents what it is meant to represent.It is not sufficient that the financial information is relevant and reliable at a particular time, in a particular circumstance or for a particular reporting entity.It must be ensured that the information provided is relevant, adequate and reliable for decision-making.The bill of exchange is a legal evidence of a credit transaction implying thereby that during the course of trade buyer has obtained credit from the seller of the goods, therefore, he is liable to pay to the seller.We have little reliable information about his life.The accounts maintained under this system are incomplete and unsystematic and therefore, not reliable.The rainwater can be stored in the tankas till the next rainfall making it an extremely reliable source of drinking water when all other sources are dried up, particularly in the summers.As you read above, it is on the basis of the information that the media provides that we take action as citizens, so it is important that this information is reliable and not biased.
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