Lifetime example sentences

According to this method, a fixed and an equal amount is charged as depreciation in every accounting period during the lifetime of an asset.We cling to our personal and social identities and feel safe in the knowledge that it remains stable in our lifetime.Among the mood disorders, the lifetime risk of a suicide attempt is highest in case of bipolar mood disorders.” Hearing him, one wonders if he has achieved what many have failed in their lifetime.She has not enjoyed even one full meal in her entire lifetime — that's what she has reaped! Her husband, an old man with a flowing beard, says, “I know nothing except bangles.LED light sources consume less electricity and have longer lifetime than light bulbs and fluorescent tubes.You will see enough gardens to last you a lifetime! I have been reading as much as I could about tea, Rajvir said.To Duttada the telescope marked the fulfilment of the ambition of a lifetime.

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