Lined example sentences

In percentage terms, the population of the Hindus, Jains and Christians has declined marginally since 196 The proportion of Muslim, Sikh and Buddhist population has increased slightly.As cultivation expanded, the area under forests and pastures declined.They are more likely to feel tense and find it difficult to relax, are critical of self and others, and may become inclined to avoid challenges.When the Mughal Empire declined in the eighteenth century, it led to the re-emergence of regional states (Chapter 10).In a lecture delivered at the University of Sorbonne in 1882, the French philosopher Ernst Renan (1823-92) outlined his understanding of what makes a nation.Many towns manufacturing specialised goods declined due to a drop in the demand for what they produced.They may even be inclined to exploit various sections of society to earn immediate profit.Thinking about Wanda and her hundred dresses all lined up in the closet, Maddie began to wonder who was going to win the drawing and colouring contest.As the governors consolidated their control over the provinces, the periodic remission of revenue to the capital declined.These are capable of affecting font, its point size, thickness and also whether the text is italicised or underlined.Over the last fifty years, the turnout in Europe and North America has declined.The details of item leading inflows and outflows from investing and financing activities have already been outlined.But this was a time when grain from Europe began flowing into England, prices declined, and an Agricultural Depression set in (see prices in Figureure2).From 1906, moreover, the export of Indian yarn to China declined since produce from Chinese and Japanese mills flooded the Chinese market.While the relative share of travel and transportation has declined from 6 3 per cent in 1995-96 to 2 6 per cent in 2003-2004, the share of software exports has gone up from 2 per cent to around 49 per cent in the corresponding period.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English