Lion example sentences

Biodiversity as we have today is the result of 5- 5 billion years of evolution.In our modern economic setting this flow of production arises out of production of commodities – goods and services by millions of enterprises large and small.Since lack of land resources has been one of the major causes of poverty in India, proper implementation of policy could have improved the life of millions of rural poor.The average half-life of a species is estimated at between one and four million years, and 99 per cent of the species that have ever lived on the earth are today extinct.Cometary collisions are expected to occur once in ten million years.In April-September 2005-06, the current account deficit of US$13 billion was financed by a capital inflow of US$1 5 billion, the extra capital inflow of US$ 5 billion being added to our stock of foreign exchange.A new natural gas pipeline would bring more than half a million cubic metres of natural gas a day to this area.A British doctor in Canton put the figureure at 12 million.He and his wife Begum Zinat Mahal were sent to prison in Rangoon in October 185 Bahadur Shah Zafar died in the Rangoon jail in November 186 The recapture of Delhi, however, did not mean that the rebellion died down after that.The latest estimates indicate a significant reduction in the number of poor to about 260 million.Literary fiction, academic texts, essays, children's books, newspaper articles—his written output is staggeringly large and wide-ranging, In 1980, he acquired the equivalent of intellectual superstardom with the publication of The Name of the Rose, which sold more than 10 million copies.The Name of the Rose sold between 10 and 15 million copies.India's steel production increased from one million tonne in 1947 to 30 million tonnes in 200 Before 1947, there was only one iron and steel plant in the country – Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited (TISCO).Alcoholism destroys millions of families, social relationships and careers.The British had to figureht for two years to suppress the massive forces of popular rebellion.

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