Made example sentences
The everincreasing number of industries has made matters worse by exerting pressure on existing freshwater resources.More than 80 previously non-democratic countries have made significant advances towards democracy since 1980.He looked at him with puckered brow, and it was easy to understand that when he had seen the strange fellow in the uncertain reflection from the furnace he might have made a mistake, but that now, when he stood there in broad daylight, it was impossible to mistake him for an old acquaintance.Green algae usually have a rigid cell wall made of an inner layer of cellulose and an outer layer of pectose.Even today both bat and ball are handmade, not industrially manufactured.between system and the surroundings The presence of reactants in a closed vessel made of conducting material e.g., copper or steel is an example of a closed system.Similarly, Corporate Tax, which is imposed on the earnings made by the firms, will also have to be deducted from the NI, since it does not accrue to the households.Under this head, various investments made such as investment in government securities or trust securities; investment in shares, debentures, and bonds of other companies, immovable properties, etc.Cities, houses, offices, factories, bridges, shopping malls, railway tracks, roads, dams, and even artificially created parks and ponds are some examples of the built environment which show how human beings have made changes in the environment given by nature.By the time we made our way outside, the whole roof was engulfed in flames and it was spreading quickly.Any profit or loss made on the encashment of Debenture Redemption Fund investments is also transferred to Debenture Redemption Fund Account.There are many innovative interventions, such as that of Grameen Bank, that students may be made familiar with but it is important to realise that we don't have answers to all questions.There were many other things that were made and used in the past. Those who study these objects are called archaeologists.इसके अतिरिक्त अन्य कई वस्तुएँ अतीत में बनीं और प्रयोग में लाई जाती थीं| ऐसी वस्तुओं का अध्ययन करने वाला व्यक्ति पुरातत्त्वविद् कहलाता है|The seminal contribution with respect to resource conservation at the global level was made by the Brundtland Commission Report, 198 This report introduced the concept of 'Sustainable Development' and advocated it as a means for resource conservation, which was subsequently published in a book entitled Our Common Future.Under this method, redemption of debentures is made in instalments at the end of each year during the tenure of the debentures.
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