Mainly example sentences

The changes in the type of natural vegetation occur mainly because of the changes of climatic condition.The population increase in the world is mainly due to rapid increase in natural growth rate.In most democracies, elections are fought mainly among the candidates put up by political parties.The velds receive rainfall mainly in the summer months from November to February.The Indian economy was mainly agricultural and rural in character; About 70% of the working population was employed in agriculture; About 85% of the population was living in the villages; Production was carried out using irrational, low productivity technology; Communicable diseases were widespread, mortality rates were high.This job is mainly done by Dalit women and young girls.In largely level terrain, the water harvesting structures are mainly crescent shaped earthen embankments or low, straight concrete-andrubble “check dams” built across seasonally flooded gullies.Rather than relying on quantitative estimates, the rapid rise and influence of the MNCs has been shown through a variety of examples, mainly drawn from the Indian context.They were based mainly on vegetative characters or on the androecium structure (system given by Linnaeus).A more important sign that the centre of gravity in cricket has shifted away from the old, Anglo-Australian axis is that innovations in cricket technique in recent years have mainly come from the practice of subcontinental teams in countries like India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.Why are some people more intelligent than others? s it due to their heredity, or is it due to the influence of environmental factors? The evidence for hereditary influences on intelligence comes mainly from studies on twins and adopted children.Motivation is mainly based on needs of individuals.The warriors consisted of younger people, mainly responsible for the protection of the tribe.This is to be done mainly by the players, coaches and administrators.For the growth of the cotton plant, we depend mainly, but not entirely, on natural factors like rainfall, sunshine and climate.

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