Minister example sentences

The powers of the Prime Minister in all parliamentary democracies of the world have increased so much in recent decades that parliamentary democracies are some times seen as Prime Ministerial form of government.A group intelligence test can be administered to several persons simultaneously.The inter-ministerial committee on private EPZs has already cleared proposals for setting up of private EPZs in Mumbai, Surat and Kanchipuram.Usually the Cabinet Ministers meet to take decisions in the name of the Council of Ministers.Expert estimates done for the Prime Minister's High Level Committee (popularly known as Sachar Committee) show that the proportion of the Muslims is expected to go up a little, by about 3 to 4 per cent, in the next 50 years.The President appoints the leader of the majority party or the coalition of parties that commands a majority in the Lok Sabha, as Prime Minister.Could the country afford further divisions on the basis of language? Both Prime Minister Nehru and Deputy Prime Minister allabhbhai Patel were against the creation of linguistic states.Chief Minister Cavour who led the movement to unify the regions of Italy was neither a revolutionary nor a democrat.ntelligence tests may be of verbal or performance type; can be administered individually or in groups; and may be culturally-biased or culturally-fair.Can you recall the role of political and non-political executive in the case of the Office Memorandum? You might ask: Why does the political executive have more power than the non-political executive? Why is the minister more powerful than the civil servant? The civil servant is usually more educated and has more expert knowledge of the subject.The ministers may have different views and opinions, but everyone has to own up to every decision of the Cabinet.Every citizen, from the Prime Minister to a small farmer in a remote village, is subjected to the same laws.Over the years, several new programmes have been launched and some have been restructured with the growing experience of administering the programmes.The President can ask the Council of Ministers to reconsider its advice.Cabinet Ministers are usually top-level leaders of the ruling party or parties who are in charge of the major ministries.

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