Moral example sentences

People's movement must establish a new political formation to act as a moral force in politics.Long live Chile! Long live the people! Long live the workers! These are my last words and I have certainty that my sacrifice will not be in vain; I have certainty that, at the least, I will be a moral lesson to castigate felony, cowardice, and treason.In a non-democratic set up, this unacceptability would not have legal basis because the principle of individual freedom and dignity would not have the legal and moral force there.She reports her husband as saying to the reporters, “Why do I refuse to be interviewed? Because it is immoral! It is a crime, just as much of a crime as an offence against my person, as an assault, and just as much merits punishment.Firstly, it lists modes of humiliation that are both physically horrific and morally reprehensible and seeks to punish those who force a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe to drink or eat any inedible or obnoxious substance; … forcibly removes clothes from the person of a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or parades him or her naked or with painted face or body or commits any similar act which is derogatory to human dignity… Secondly, it lists actions that dispossess Dalits and Adivasis of their meagre resources or which force them into performing slave labour.For example, if a boy sees and wants an icecream cone and asks his mother for it, his superego will indicate that his behaviour is morally correct.A supervisor with good leadership qualities can build up high morale among workers.The prisoners in Guantanamo Bay had a moral claim not to be tortured or humiliated.Traffic here means selling and buying of human beings, usually women, for immoral purposes.Id does not care for moral values, society, or other individuals.Communication helps to boost morale of employees and managers.But once the principle is recognised, it becomes easier for women to wage a struggle against what is now unacceptable legally and morally.Otherwise they remain merely as natural or moral rights.Hence, it is morally wrong to voluntarily cause the extinction of any species.alues are attitudes or beliefs that contain a 'should' or 'ought' aspect, such as moral or ethical values.

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