My example sentences

The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated in the Indian Army, and the first Chief of the Indian Army, General Cariappa, was a Coorgi.I had my meal at the restaurant and returned to my room.The Ahoms migrated to the Brahmaputra valley from present-day Myanmar in the thirteenth century.It wants to build an army of warrior-entrepreneurs people who have the courage and skills to topple old ideas, and who believe in change passionately enough to make it happen.Data is also available from the Reserve Bank's Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy, available.As I sat there with my friends and my cat curled up in my lap, all the overwhelming feelings of loss and tragedy seemed to diminish.Better! Worse! Well, that's a way to start your family bliss! Have some champagne! He's better! Worse! Worse! Worse! [trying to shout her down] Champagne! Champagne! Why do you want to know my age? If people know I am so old, I won't get work!” laughs 90-year-old A.What could I do? At my slightest movement the snake would strike me! Death lurked four inches away.You may like to cut a section of the leaves of C4 plants – maize or sorghum – to observe the Kranz anatomy and the distribution of mesophyll cells.Today, the railways have become more important in our national economy than all other means of transport put together.The airline insisted that Mij should be packed into a box not more than eighteen inches square, to be carried on the floor at my feet.” At the same time, he recognised I was right and went on to publish my dissertation as a book, which meant he appreciated it.I remember that my dear friend Roland Barthes was always frustrated that he was an essayist and not a novelist.Consumption goods sustain the basic objective of any economy – the need to consume.But I have never been able to touch him myself, he is always very bad tempered.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English