Nine example sentences

From the end of the nineteenth century, Census operations were held every ten years.Through the nineteenth century, as the settlers moved into new habitats and new lands, they modified their implements to meet their requirements.The first Urdu novels began to be written from the late nineteenth century.Kathak, like several other cultural practices, was viewed with disfavour by most British administrators in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.This feeling was strengthened by the movements for Italian and German unification in the late nineteenth century.Its production boomed in the late nineteenth century.But most looked for odd jobs, which till the mid-nineteenth century were difficult to find.All through the late nineteenth century, India was importing steel that was manufactured in Britain.Krishnamurty, 'Deindustrialisation in Gangetic Bihar during the nineteenth century', The Indian Economic and Social History Review, 198 The Koshtis, like the weavers of the finer kinds of cloth in other parts of India, have fallen upon evil times.For example, methylamine, codeine, quinine and nicotine all behave as very weak bases due to their very small Kb.It was only two or three feet deep at the shallow end; and while it was nine feet deep at the other, the drop was gradual.A record set that consists of nine fields, when presented in such a format, requires nine lines of report.Many of them migrated to this region in the nineteenth century in search of pastures for their animals.Ideas of national unity in early-nineteenth-century Europe were closely allied to the ideology of liberalism.Over the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the English countryside changed dramatically.

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