Nipa example sentences

Certain plants e.g., Pinus, Juniparus, Quercus, Pyrus and itis can metabolise nitrogen oxide and therefore, their plantation could help in this matter.The far inland locations of refineries like Barauni, Mathura, Panipat and gas based fertilizer plants could be thought of only because of pipelines.Coimbatore, Kanpur, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Ludhiana, Pondicherry and Panipat are some of the other important centres.The Jats were prosperous agriculturists, and towns like Panipat and Ballabhgarh became important trading centres in the areas dominated by them.In this chapter we will read about the emergence of new political groups in the subcontinent during the first half of the eighteenth century – roughly from 1707, when Aurangzeb died, till the third battle of Panipat in 176 In Chapter 4 you saw how the Mughal Empire reached the height of its success and started facing a variety of crises towards the closing years of the seventeenth century.As a result, they were not inclined to support the Marathas during the third battle of Panipat in 176 Alongside endless military campaigns, the Marathas developed an effective administrative system as well.

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