Novel example sentences

The early novel contributed to colonialism by making the readers feel they were part of a superior community of fellow colonialists.In the nineteenth century, the early Bengali novels lived in two worlds.He composed several truly original story poems in folk refrain and diction and also wrote a sprawling novel Thillana Mohanambal with dozens of very deftly etched characters.The worlds created by novels were absorbing and believable, and seemingly real.Equally significant is the fact that by bringing in both the powerful and the marginal peoples and cultures, the novel throws up many questions about the nature of these communities.Colonial administrators found 'vernacular' novels a valuable source of information on native life and customs.Novels also helped in establishing a relationship with the past.We have seen some examples of these in Premchand, but they are equally present in the works of other novelists.Bhudeb Mukhopadhyay's (1827-94) Anguriya Binimoy (1857) was the first historical novel written in Bengal.In Tamil, for example, there was a flood of popular novels in the early decades of the twentieth century.Even in a crowded room, the novel offered a special world of imagination into which the reader could slip, and be all alone.It was a novel that inspired many kinds of freedom figurehters.But okay, if they [most people] have read only the novels.While reading novels, the reader was transported to another person's world, and began looking at life as it was experienced by the characters of the novel.In other novels too, Dickens focused on the terrible conditions of urban life under industrial capitalism.

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