Oast example sentences

from the coast killing more than 10,000 people and affected more than lakh of houses.The tsunami that ravaged the South and South east Asian coasts in December 2004, is the most devastating tsunami in the last several hundred years.Some of the most important rice-growing regions are Assam, West Bengal, coastal regions of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Maharashtra, particularly the (Konkan coast) along with Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.The coastal plains between western ghats and the Arabian sea are very narrow.As one story goes, a part of Alexander s army moved south along the coast and settled here when return became impractical.India has a land boundary of about 15,200 km and the total length of the coast line of the mainland including Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep is 7,51 6 km.This marked the withdrawal of the water mass from the coastlines of the landmasses in the south and southeast Asia.Till the 1780s, white American settlements were confined to a small narrow strip of coastal land in the east.You will find some in Nagercoil in Tamil Nadu and on the Gujarat coast.The origins of Indian cricket, that is, cricket played by Indians are to be found in Bombay and the first Indian community to start playing the game was the small community of Zoroastrians, the Parsis.ruined huts……… Before the giant waves slammed into the coast in India and Sri Lanka, wild and domestic animals seemed to know what was about to happen.Large rivers such as the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna and the Kaveri have farmed extensive delta on this coast.The electric laundry iron, electric toaster, electric oven, electric kettle and electric heater are some of the familiar devices based on Joule's heating.Ghana used to be a British colony named Gold Coast.A wedding toast is a custom where a close friend or relative of the groom or the bride says a few words to wish the couple, then everyone raises their glass of wine, and drink it up at the same moment.

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